Key to diagram
- Behrens’s logo for AEG, 1907
- "Rustic" Beehives, from Layens’s Cours complet d’apiculture, 1890
- The huts of "savages," from Le Corbusier’s Urbanisme, 1924
- Taut’s Glass Pavilion, 1914
- Le Corbusier’s Ateliers d’Art, 1910
- Buckminster Fuller, geodesic dome
- Steiner’s second Goetheanum, 1928
- The parabolic arc of bees constructing a honeycomb
- Natural honeycombs without guidelines
- Parabolic arcade in Gaudi’s Colegio Teresiano, 1889
- The Alley method for breeding queens, 1861
- Gaudi’s sketch for the chapel of Colona Güell, 1898-1908
- Behrens’s AEG turbine factory, 1908
- Natural honeycomb
- Langstroth’s movable frame beehive, 1852
- Huber’s leaf beehive, 1792
- Cross-section of Layens’s "Primitive" beehive, 1874
- Elevation of Mies’s Friedrichstrasse skyscraper, 1921
- Perspective of Mies’s Friedrichstrasse skyscraper, 1921
- Plan of Mies’s Friedrichstrasse skyscraper, 1921
- A.I. Root’s "Simplicity" beehive, 1870
- Rauchfuss nursery for queen bees
- Le Corbusier’s Honeycomb Apartments, 1922
- Lucio Ramirez’s Elmisana Beehive, 1948
- Prokopovich beehive, 1807
- Le Corbusier’s Unité d’Habitation, 1947-1952
- Bee larvae as illustrated by Langstroth, 1862
- Le Corbusier’s City for Three Million Inhabitants, 1922
- Interior, Kurokawa’s Nagakin Capsule Hotel, 1972
- Exterior, Kurokawa’s Nagakin Capsule Hotel, 1972
- Kikutake’s Tower Shaped Community, 1959
- Section, Metabolist student competition, 1960
- Kurokawa’s Takara Beautillion, Osaka Expo, 1970
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