Hi everybody!
I am happy to write a few lines about mixed thoughts I had after the review, that i shared for some of them already with Key and Tringa.
In Alice in Wonderland, there is a famous discussion between Alice and the queen. Alice doesn't understand why she stays at the same place while she's running.
The queen answer: "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!"
John Tenniel, Alice in Wonderland illustration
Maybe it looks like that in actual society as Bauman explain it in "Liquid life". Maybe so fast that it becomes almost impossible to construct something or to have principles that are sure to stay right during the times (trends appear, disappear, ways of being change all the time, Are conventional way of construct not adapted anymore, to make creativity appearing?). We talked about waggle dance, events, sometimes about ephemeral architectures. Andy told us about anabolism, catabolism. I think there is a common point to all those ideas. Maybe the most adapted answer to the 21st Research Park can't be formulated for the future, but only for meanwhile because everything is changing too fast. More than that, the question of the intensity of our proposition will affect research, creativity, and life improvement and experiences in this site.
What about a new kind of proposition, something unconventional, at the interface of ephemeral architecture and virtual or event. Like a festival (we spoke about Burning man festival with Key, but mediterranean climate is actually too regularized by cycles of construction and destruction (fire) and rebirth and death, intensity and dilatation). We could transform this Research Park Program into an ephemeral and intense event that could appears regularly as chaos or rebirth: indeed the intensity will be at its paroxysm for all the stakeholders and their different kind of activities. We could propose a highlight for enhancement in general (culture (arts, music, theater, ...), research and sciences, sports, ...) that will gather much more people from much farer and improve a bigger intellectual and social effervescence.
As Cubists already did, we should improve fourth dimension (4D) in our project. Time should be in the center of this project, because of its evolutive character. At the same time it will have instantaneous (son of its age) and multifaceted character (son of its surrounding - multiculturality) that permit much more: each year we could improve so much, construct the site, learn, share, and then destroy again and next year everything is gonna be possible again, and adapted to its age (ephemeral and unplanned in advance).
Marcel Duchamp, Nu descendant un escalier
Now, why not searching for structure that could enhance unstructured apparitions, the playground of the game: so it could be research as a game of improvement, and our site as a playground for this game.
Finally this idea is a search for a base, on which could appears ephemeral temple of enhancement (research, culture, ...) - give the impulse to make autonomy appears -> THE HIVE.
Now what about searching for this structure, and moreover imagining first impulse, the 21st Research Festival of Stanford/Palo Alto 2014?? :-)
These are just ideas, brainstorming, impressions, it should make comments and discussions appearing! I am waiting on them! One love.
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